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trekking mount toubkal
Mount Toubkal, standing tall at 4,167 meters, is the highest peak in North Africa. Located in the Toubkal National Park of Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, this majestic mountain attracts trekking enthusiasts from around the globe. Whether you are an experienced mountaineer or a passionate traveler seeking your next adventure, trekking Mount Toubkal offers an unparalleled experience...
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trekking jebel mgoun
Trekking Jebel M’Goun: A Moroccan Adventure If you are seeking an unforgettable trekking experience, look no further than Jebel M’Goun in Morocco. Standing tall at 4,071 meters, Jebel M’Goun is the second-highest peak in the country and offers trekkers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural encounters, and physical challenges. Why Jebel M’Goun? Jebel M’Goun...
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the neltner refuge du toubkal
The concept of the Refuge du Toubkal dates back to an ill-fated expedition to the summit, illness affected the party during its descent, and it was decided that a return to Aroumd that day was not possible. Instead, a bivouac was left with a long and cold evening during which to reflect upon the lack...
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traditional cattle husbandry in morocco
The hard drought years of 1980-1984 forced many livestock-breeding nomads of the south to give up their particular social and economic way of life. In drought, these nomads (descendants of the dynastic Berber people of Sanhadja and Beni Mri) raided the sedentary oasis farmers for grain. As the proud camel, sheep, and goats herders, they...
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ships of the desert
Ships of the Desert: The body of the camel (or one-humped dromedary) perfectly adapted to the Sahara desert climate. Its air filter is perched on a long neck, keeping the nasal membranes about two meters above the desert surface, which can easily reach temperatures over 70°C. A glimpse at the condition of the hump permits a...
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Who are the Berbers? Perhaps it is easier to describe where they live. Nowadays, they settle in villages – just rarely in tents – in the mountains and oases of North Africa and Egypt, as far as Mauretania. The Sahara is also part of the Berbers’ country. The dignified Tuareg, the last of the desert...
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mount toubkal
Mount Toubkal is a mountain peak in Morocco and is the highest peak in the High Atlas Mountains. High Atlas is the highest mountain range in North Africa and runs diagonally across Morocco, from the Atlantic coast northeast of Agadir to northern Algeria. In Berber, it’s called Idraren Draren (Mountains of Mountains). There are several...
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central high atlas
The Central High Atlas, dominated by the Mgoun Massif, offers excellent scope for trekkers, arguably more so than the Toubkal as it is relatively unexploited as of yet. Mgoun Massif is more remote; the rock is sedimentary and forms dramatic ridges and mountains. Erosion has carved some tremendous gorges, with deep-red and orange walls. Some...
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jebel saghro
The starkly beautiful Jebel Saghro range of mountains continues the line of the Anti Atlas, rising between the High Atlas and Dades Valley to the north, with the Sahara stretching away to the south. little-visited and entirely undeveloped for the tourist market, it offers a landscape of flat-topped mesas, deep gorges, and twisted volcanic pinnacles...
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ourika valley
This dramatic cleft cut in the High Atlas mountains is a beautiful Ourika valley (45 minutes by car). The valley sides tower precipitously above the mass of emerald green fields on the valley floor. In summer, when Marrakech swelters in the sun, this small Ourika valley is full of escaping Marrakshis, camping, picnicking, and having...
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